Rounded Baroque ‘700 Venetian desk, lacquered two-tone turquoise in cherry wood, Luigi XV style

scrivania veneziana bombata e mossa da centro stanza realizzata a mano nello stile luigi XV settecento legno di ciliegio massello laccata bicolore colore turchese anticato piano della scrivania 700 veneziana in stile luigi XV con bordo sagomato realizzata in essenza pregiata di ciliegio massello e costruita con le caratteristiche del mobile originale retro della scrivania bombata e mossa da centro stanza prodotta in legno di ciliegio massello importante lavorazione su misura con accessori in bronzo di costruzione made in Italy piano della scrivania su misura da centro stanza sagomato nello stile degli arredi veneziani arredo per studi o ingresso di lusso riprodotta a mano all’interno del laboratorio di alta ebanisteria vangelista mobili 1960 laccatura bicolore con piano tonalità miele ciliegio massello il fusto laccato color turchese anticato a mano realizzabile su misura essendo un mobile fatto a mano lucidatura e laccatura bicolore della scrivania veneziana 700 realizzata a mano e rifinita con prodotti naturali e realizzabile su misura essendo un manufatto artigianale di lusso maniglia in stile luigi XV in bronzo fuso su stampo di terra della scrivania in stile classico luigi XV realizzata a mano accessorio di lusso made in Italy scrivania sagomata e bombata made in Italy prodotta a mano con le lavorazioni artigianale delle botteghe veneziane del settecento manufatto di lusso realizzabile su misura scrivania veneziana bombata e mossa da centro stanza realizzata con 5 cassetti con le gambe alte lussuoso mobile di produzione made in Italy laccata bicolore scrivania made in Italy 700 veneziana con bronzi fatti a mano nello stile classico luigi XV cesellati e lucidati artigianalmente con le stesse lavorazioni del settecento mobile di lusso da centro stanza scrivania mossa e bombata prodotta nello stile classico veneziano luigi XV veneziano da centro stanza inseribile in lussuosi arredamenti e studi e importanti residente di prestigio classiche e moderne scrivania con tavola estraibile e pomolo di lusso ottagonale in bronzo fuso su stampo di terra fatto a mano e riprodotto dall’accessorio originale in stile luigi XV scrivania dalle linee mosse e bombate lavorazione fatta a mano riprodotta da quelle del 1700 veneziano impreziosita da bronzi realizzati in stile luigi XV interni tonalità rossa dei cassetti scrivania realizzata con le stesse caratteristiche del mobile originale risalente alla prima metà del settecento veneziano costruita a mano importante scrivania da centro stanza bombata e mossa di realizzazione made in Italy in stile classico settecento veneziano con 5 cassetti e le gambe alte sagomate laccata bicolore in legno di ciliegio massello riproduzione scrivania bombata e mossa laccata bicolore in stile settecento veneziano luigi XV realizzabile su misura essendo fatta a mano
Art. 295



Rounded Baroque ‘700 Venetian desk desk with bronzes, lacquered two-tone turquoise in cherry wood, Luigi XV style. The desk is completely customizable, 100% Made in Italy.

Model Description

Model Structure

The rounded Baroque '700 Venetian desk with bronzes, lacquered two-tone turquoise in cherry wood, Luigi XV style has all sides rounded with “double frame”, whereas the central part has 5 drawers – the one in the middle embellished by a removable reading plan. The well-shaped legs slim all the structure. The desktop has the same design of the lower part with the finely shaped edge in classic Luigi XV style.

Raw Material

The drawers are made of solid spruce wood, typical of Baroque '700 Venetian Luigi XV style furnishing, whereas the framework is built in precious solid cherry essence, free of knots, compact and excellent for lacquering. The top is also made of precious solid cherry wood, with amazing honey finishing and grain. Handlers and decorations of the legs are made of hot-forged bronzes, as well as the octagon-shaped pommels to remove the reading plan.


The lime wood framework is assembled with solid parts glued together, the sides and the front are assembled with a strong tenon and mortise joint. The front of drawers has the same shape of the framework and the inner parts are put together by an hand-made dovetail joint. The two-tone lacquering is particular: the desktop is opal honey cherry, refined with hand-waxed shellac established with a brush, antiqued with stone, fake woodworms and scratches. The lower part is lacquered in turquoise, antiqued with stone and coated with brown clays: the coating permeates through the holes and fades towards the borders. The rounded Venetian desk with bronzes, lacquered two-tone turquoise in cherry wood, Baroque '700 Venetian Luigi XV style is protected by a French virgin beeswax established with a brush and removed with a soft cotton cloth. For an impressive result, we apply some bronzes (handlers, pommels and decorations) from the original desk, with the lost-wax technique, that is bronze poured in casting moulds, and they are hand-chiselled and polished with a cloth.

Size of the model in the picture

Available in 3 sizes 122x71x78h. (see picture) – 145x84x78h. – 165x96x78 the rounded Baroque '700 Venetian desk with bronzes, lacquered two-tone turquoise in cherry wood, Luigi XV style is customizable for dimension and type of lacquer.

Model History

Century of use

The soft shaped rounded lines are typical of desks in Baroque '700 Venetian Luigi XV style and the original desk dates back to the mid-18th century.

Historical notes and mobile curiosities

The original desk is in the elegant Stern palace in Venice, in the office. The gothic Venetian palace, which was taken over by Stern family, had been restored and the owners kept the '700 furnishing. Vangelista Mobili 1960 has retrieved all the original features for a faithful reproduction, thanks to shape contouring on plywood, pictures and technical dimensional drawings. The result is this majestic two-tone lacquering desk. The furniture is designed, handcrafted, shaped and lacquered in our art laboratory, luxury 100% Made in Italy.

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