Small writing desk bureau with roller shutter

arredo costruito per ambienti di piccole dimensioni lucidatura eseguita a mano a gommalacca e cera del bureau scrittoio con cilindro a rullo scorrevole con serrandina 4 gambe a forma di spillo bureau con rullo scorrevole a serrandina con castello superiore predisposto con piccoli cassetti con pomoli e maniglie ad anello in ottone massiccio cesellate e lucidate a mano riprodotte con le caratteristiche del modello originale lucidatura manuale con prodotti naturali essenza pregiata di noce massello caratterizzano il bureau scrivania con rullo a cilindro scorrevole con serrandina manufatto made in Italy in stile Luigi XVI rullo scorrevole a serrandina e gambe a forma di spillo in stile Luigi XVI di una coppia di scrittoi bureau prodotti a mano e su misura come il manufatto originale risalente al settecento arredo costruito per ingressi e studi di importanti residenze prestigiose dimore e ricche case realizzato su misura in piccole dimensioni con piccoli cassetti scrittoio in stile classico Luigi XVI riproduzione made in Italy di una coppia di scrittoi bureau con serrandina a rullo costruiti in essenza pregiata di noce massello e lucidati a mano con vernice a gommalacca e prodotti naturali
Art. 659 Small size


Precious small writing desk bureau with roller shutter in walnut wood. The writing desk is customizable and hand-crafted with the same techniques used by craftsmen during the 19th century, Luigi XVI style.

Model Description

Model Structure

The frame of the small writing desk bureau with roller shutter has 2 drawers in the superior castle and the particular shape of the central body allows the flap to slide inwards. Small drawers and storage compartments are the main features of the structure. The central body is supported by 4 tapered legs, typical of classic Luigi XVI style furniture. The small size makes the writing desk perfect for storage rooms and small filling spaces of precious and majestic houses.

Raw Material

The small writing desk bureau with roller shutter is made of precious walnut wood, the inside of the drawers is made of limewood. The ring handles and the knobs are made of solid brass with the same features of the original writing desk.


The main feature of this small writing desk bureau is the roller shutter which slides inside the furniture through a sliding channel made with some joints. The writing desk is assembled with strong mortise and tenon joints, a high-quality woodworking technique in vogue during the 18th century. The supporting legs are retrieved from a piece of walnut wood and processed in an overturned pin shape, The castle inside the flap hides a small drawer and 2 jewellery or documents compartments, embellished by 2 small lateral pillars semicircle turned. The hand-polishing with natural products gives to the writing desk a "warm" look which enhances the walnut grain, through brown clays dissolved in water and established with transparent shellac applied with a brush. The detailed and elegant ageing gives an antique look to the writing desk. Final protection with French brown beeswax applied with a soft cotton cloth.

Size of the model in the picture

Built in 3 sizes 60x47x102h. – 78x47x102h. – 105x47x102h., the small writing desk with roller shutter is hand-crafted and customizable for dimension and type of polishing.

Model History

Century of use

The original small writing desk bureau with a roller shutter dates back to the early 19th century, Luigi XVI style.

Historical notes and mobile curiosities

This small writing desk with roller shutter and tapered legs in walnut wood is perfect for entries and rear sofa with a lamp, but also for home offices. The original furniture belongs to a private collection. Thanks to the owner, who was very helpful, we retrieved the detailed pictures for a perfect reproduction. The small writing desk with roller shutter is designed, hand-crafted and polished in Vangelista Mobili 1960's art laboratory, 100& Made in Italy.

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