Big Venetian sideboard produced in Baroque Louis XIV style, decorated with pastel-colored flowers and baroque and salmon-lacquered marble top.

credenza gigante di lusso veneziana a 4 ante laccata e decorata con colori pastello riprodotta in grandi dimensioni 4 ante e cassetti bugnati credenzone gigante di grandi dimensioni veneziana del seicento dipinta colori policromi realizzata in legno di tiglio massiccio dipinta con fiori e barocchi del 600 laccata colori pastello accessorio in bronzo fuso su stampo di terra cesellato e lucidato a mano prodotto di lusso made in Italy realizzato in stile classico del seicento Luigi XIV fatto su stampo di terra credenza di lusso veneziana di giganti dimensioni con cornici delle ante a bugna sagomate costruita dal modello d’epoca dei 600 laccatura policroma colori pastello e decorazioni barocche floreali lo stile Luigi XIV barocco veneziano del cassetto segreto con bugna laccatura tonalità colori pastello a tempera lavorazioni made in Italy artigianali di pregio e di lusso eseguite a mano su misura credenza di giganti dimensioni 300 cm piano marmo decorato a mano parte inferiore laccata colori pastello con decorazioni importanti di fiori e barocchi quattro ante e cassetti gambe mistilinee sagomate con importanti cornici forma mensolata prodotte in legno di tiglio massello laccature tonalità pastello policrome prodotte a mano con prodotti naturali credenzone con fianchi lavorati a bugna esclusive lavorazioni su misura fatte a mano di lusso con decorazioni floreali barocche e laccatura color salmone pitture artigianali di prestigio credenza con corpo e pilastri avanzati di alta precisione riprodotta dal modello originale su misura in dimensioni giganti manufatto d lusso costruito artigianalmente il brand di lusso Vangelista mobili ha costruito dentro il proprio laboratorio di alta ebanisteria le lavorazioni di alto pregio laccature e decorazioni floreali barocche fatte a mano su misura accessorio made in Italy di lusso riprodotto in Italia nello stile classico barocco veneziano Luigi XIV del 1600 bronzo fuso su stampo di terra in Italia cesellato e lucidato a mano riproduzione credenza di grandi dimensioni gigante decorata e dipinta nello stile classico Luigi XIV seicento barocco veneziano arredo inseribile in prestigiosi saloni ed esclusivi ingressi ante bugnate credenza Luigi XIV giganti misure decorata fiori e barocchi piano laccato marmo salmone realizzata stile classico seicento veneziano barocco realizzata dipinta manufatto originale del 1600 credenza di enormi misure giganti in stile Luigi XIV veneziana barocca del 600 arredo di produzione made in Italy di lusso fatto e decorato in Italia con fiori e barocchi di pregio
ART. 360 very big 4 doors



Giant Venetian sideboard with a mixtilinear shape produced with four doors in a Louis XIV baroque style, decorated with pastel-colored flowers and baroque and a lacquered salmon marble top, ideal for entrances and fine dining rooms. The original of this splendid credenzone is found in the living room on the first floor of Palazzo Giustinian in Venice.


Model Description

Model Structure

The structure has 4 doors and 4 drawers, as well as 5 secret central drawers that give an added value to this furniture of enormous value. The piece of furniture is supported by open bracketed legs in the central part, surmounted by molded cornices.

Raw Material

The sideboard is produced in solid lime wood, the interiors are in fir. It is hand-lacquered with polychrome water-based tempera colors on a plaster Bologna background. Some chromaticities of colors are mixed and made in our laboratory.


The original and complex shape of the structure with the “advanced body” pillars and the demanding decoration and lacquering done by hand, make this artifact a furniture of high craftsmanship, synonymous of luxury furniture made by hand and produced in Italy inside our laboratory. The most complex part is the decorations, fixed with French shellac paint spread with a brush. Both the doors and the sides and the drawers are worked with a clew-like frame, with frames that produce a mixtilinear effect, typical of Venetian furnishings in the Louis XIV style. The basic shade is the amber yellow color, the frames are lacquered in red and white with a grey patina. The drawers, mounted with dovetail joints to guarantee greater stability and value, are decorated with refined floral designs, while the panels of the doors are painted with vases and floral cups and the sides recall baroque decorations in a gommalacca tone. The sideboard is lacquered in lobster-colored marble, a very complex decoration that increases the value of this important piece of furniture. The importance of furniture is also given by the complex decoration of the faux marble top.

Size of the model in the picture

The sideboard is produced in the 300x55x110h size. Being an artisan luxury piece of furniture, made and decorated by hand, it is customizable to size, type of tone and decorative subjects.

Model History

Century of use

This sideboard is a piece of furniture of high artisanal value, reproduced to measure from the period model dating back to the second half of the 1600s, which is currently located in the salon on the first floor of Palazzo Giustinian in Venice.

Historical notes and mobile curiosities

Visiting the prestigious Palazzo Giustinian in Venice, in the salon on the first floor we noticed a copy of sideboards with a mixtilinear shape and immediately we thought of one of our clients looking for sideboards painted with flowers and baroque just like the models in the building. With kind permission of the property, we have taken over some quotas and product of the photographic material, then submitted it to the vision of our client, who confirmed to us the order of a pair of equal but larger sideboartds, ideal for his residence. Vangelista Mobili 1960 is proud to have reproduced this important and particularly complex artifact.

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