Hand-painted Venetian, corners notched, red lacquered sideboard with Tyrolean-style decorations.

credenza mobiletto decorato tirolese di piccole dimensioni riprodotto su misura laccato rosso veneziano come il modello originale nello stile degli arredi del 1600 con 2 ante e un cassetto credenza di lusso adatta per importanti residenze e case di montagna con decorazioni di fiori e barocchi costruita e decorata in stile 1600 barocco tirolese come il manufatto originale credenza dispensa per importanti residenze e case di montagna decorata a mano con fiori e barocchi arredo per lussuosi ingressi retro divani e sale da pranzo laccatura policroma e decorazioni con mazzi di fiori e disegni barocchi tipiche caratteristiche dei pregiati arredi di lusso di montagna realizzati agli inizi del settecento scantonatura laccata riproducibile su misura tonalità rosso veneziano con decorazioni in stile barocco e floreali bianco patinato eseguita a mano il brand di lusso Vangelista mobili ha realizzato per prestigiose case di montagna la credenza in stile classico 600 barocco tirolese in abete decorata a mano con zoccolo credenza di piccole misure made in Italy arredo artigianale costruito e decorato su misura con disegni di pregio ed esclusivi costruito in essenza di abete massello
Art. 236 laccato in rosso veneziano


Small-sized notched cabinet sideboard, reproduced from the original model decorated in the 17th century Tyrolean Baroque style. Ideal product for important entrances, back sofas, and fine dining rooms of luxurious residences. The exclusivity and value of the sideboard is given by the lacquering in Venetian red tones and by the handmade realization of the refined decorations.

Model Description

Model Structure

The structure has a central drawer and 2 side doors, notched on the sides with the lower plinth that surrounds the entire perimeter of the cabinet. The doors, the top and the notched bands are lacquered with parts in patinated white with gray earth and are presented with a movement typical of the Tyrolean Baroque.

Raw Material

The cupboard sideboard is reproduced in solid fir, a wood heavily used for the realization of decorated mountain furniture.


The cabinet is built with "tenon and mortise" joints, the drawer has "dovetail" joints. The structure is lacquered with "Bologna chalk" primer, a mixture of water and calcium hydrate, consumed by hand, and subsequently with water-based tempera colors applied with a brush, to highlight the lively pigmentation of the Venetian red, color made in our laboratory. The decorations are done by hand with a series of very fine brushes and represent floral and baroque motifs. This small Tyrolean sideboard is a luxury furniture of 100% Made in Italy craftsmanship.

Size of the model in the picture

Made in the dimension 102x37x86h. The sideboard decorated in Tyrolean baroque style '600, being made and painted by hand, can be customized according to size, lacquer tone (color) and decorative subjects. We have reproduced the same model in green shade art. 292 floral and vegetable decorations.

Model History

Century of use

This luxury furniture was created like the original model dating back to the end of the first half of the 1600s.

Historical notes and mobile curiosities

Small furniture designed, built, decorated and finished inside the Vangelista high cabinetry workshop 1960 furniture. The original of this cabinet is currently visible in the fortress of Castello Ivano, in Trentino-Alto Adige. It is part of a vintage couple with two different chromaticities. We have also reproduced the model in green shades art. 292 floral and vegetable decorations.

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We User only Wood Certificated from FSC
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